Monday, May 15, 2017

3/21 Spring Break

What did you do over spring break? I went to Florida.
Where did you go? I went water coolers Florida.
What activities did you do? iI went to the beach and rode bicks
Who did you go with? My famliy And Eicks famliy
Include 2 pictures

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Final Exam Blog Post

How To Bag Groceries

Did you enjoy this assignment? Yes
Why? So I can teach people to bag groceries
How does it compare to Google Drive and Google Slides? I don't know
Would you use PPT Mix again? Yes

Friday, May 5, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

  • Reflect on your experience with Weebly or Wix.  Did you enjoy building your own website?  yes
  • Did you find it easy, hard, etc... easy 
  •  Now that you know these free/low cost options exist, would you use a tool like this to create a website in the future? yes
  • After reviewing the websites of 10 of your classmates, reflect on your TWO favorites 
    • Why did you like these websites so much? 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4/25 Website Selection

Have you ever created a website before? no
 If yes, what technology did you use?     HTML, Weebly, Wix, etc.?  Tell me about your experience....

 Tell me which one (weebly or wix) you've selected and why? wix because wix is easier  to yous 

 select an activity/club/sport that you are involved with (share with me which one you have chosen & why you selected this activity/club/sport) basball

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

current event 5

Title of the article:

Meet Levi's Stadium, the Most High-Tech Sports Venue Yet

Where you found it: google
What the article is about: the 49ers new high tech stadium
How does it relate to emerging technologies:it is using new smart technology in the stadium
One interesting fact: it is connected to an app that can guide you to the nearest bathroom with the shortest line, you can order food and drink to your seat, and it can show replays



Tuesday, April 4, 2017


How often do you utilize applications "apps" on your phone/tablet to make your life easier or more convenient?  pretty often 
Can you imagine life without "apps"? no
How would your daily life be different if "apps" did not exist? I don't kown

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/2017 My Weekend

Tell me all about your weekend.  Did you go to the movies, shopping, to Prom, etc.   
  Remember to use at least 5 complete sentences in your response.

Over my weekend I which the finale 4
My family went to church 

Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31 Current Event

Current Event

Blog Post 3/31: NCAA Reflection

What have you learned by competing in our class NCAA basketball competition? I learned that you can make make a basketball bracket.   

Had you filled out a bracket prior to this class? no

Did you follow any of the games during the tournament out of curiosity? yes

What have you learned about Google Docs & Sheets by creating your bracket & spreadsheet with them?  I learned that you can make a basketball bracket on google docs.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


What is the best movie(s) you have seen in the past year? FAST AND FURIOUS

 Is there a TV Series that I just HAVE to see? PAWN STARS 

What is the genre of the movie(s) you are recommending (I don't like horror...). action 

 Convince me that your movie(s) and/or TV Series suggestions are ones that I should see immediately, but don't give the plot away.  You should watch FAST AND FURIOUS because FAST AND FURIOUS has good action.
   You should watch pawn stars because PAWN STARS has good history..  

3/30 bracket

Luke's bracket

Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17 current event 3

1.       What is the article about? The Score app allows you to watch live sporting events, you can check the score on the phone, and editorial coverage of the game
2.       Title of the article: The Score Releases the Most Comprehensive eSports App on the Market
3.       How does it relate to emerging technologies? App on your phone
4.       One interesting fact: it’s a new app


Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

Name of person: Brendan
What is their infographic about: McDonald and Starbucks
1 thing you learned from looking at their infographic: I did not know there is a McDonald in africa
Did you like making an infographic? yes


Monday, February 27, 2017

2/23/17 Infographic

  • What is an infographic?
  1. a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
  • What is the purpose of an infographic?
  • Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.
  • What type of information is best displayed in an infographic?  
  • comparing information and data
  • How can an infographic help convey your message to an audience?
  • pictures and visuals
  • How might you use an infographic in your class assignments? In ELA.
  • Image result for infographic result for infographic/

2/27/17 - Infographic Reflection

What have you learned about Infographics? I did not know anything about infographics.
 Did you enjoy creating your own? (please explain). yes I enjoy the infographic.
When might you use an Infographic in your school work, personal life, or other? I wood use a infographc in connections.
Which Infographic site did you use? pikotochart  
Was the site easy to navigate? yes
Would you use it again or look for another site? yes

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17 Canva vs. Lucid Press

  • Which one was the easiest to join & use? canva 
  • Provide 2 pros/cons of using both Canva & Lucid Press 
    • I liked the pitchers on canva 
    • on cons
  • In your opinion, which program created the nicest, trendiest documents? Canva 
  • Which program provided the most "free" features? canva 
  • Overall, which one did you like the most? Explain...  canva because I like the pitchers better on cava 

2/16 "My Dream Business"

I want to have a food business.
I want to sell meat.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 canva

Put these pitchers on my bedroom wall


Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend.  Did you attend the game at Southwest?   How about the dance?  If you didn't go to sweetheart, what did you do?  Please attach a picture or 2 from your phonet that tells me about your weekend.
Over the weekend I went outside.It was nice outside over the weekend. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17 current event 2

current event


  1. Do you have all of your assignments turned in?  If no, what is your plan for completing them? yes
  2. Are you receiving "5's" on all daily blog posts. mosty  If no, what are you missing? (Fix what is missing & let me know when you would like me to re-grade your post)
  3. Check your Current Event score.  Did you receive a 10/10.  If not, open up your Current Event & determine what you are missing.  Now, explain to me what you omitted & how you will ensure you receive full points on the next current event. 3 out 5
  4. Overall, how do you feel you are doing in Emerging Technology class.  Is the class hard? easy? hard
  5. What have you learned so far this semester that you did not know prior to class? you can save passwords 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/2/2017 Pictures

Image result for nhl                Image result for mlb             Image result for nflImage result for nba

2/9 - Kids These Days

Kids are annoying because kids are on there on electronics.
Teenagers drive to fast in the neighborhood and that bothers me.
teenagers dive on my lawn.
kids cut people in line.
teenagers steal cars. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6 "Collaborating Remotely" Reflection

Reflect on your experience completing this partner project.  
Was it hard to work with your partner without talking? no
 Can you imagine conducting business in this way on a regular basis?  no because that the type i want
What did you learn from this experience? It is fun 

  • Link your COMPLETED presentation to this post

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/31/16 Words for Teenagers

 What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself in at least 5 sentences.

this article is interesting
this article make my feel happy
I agree

1/30 Ted Talk Reflection

Do you agree with the Ted Talk?  yes
Why or why not? most people now don't talk 
Will you change any of your current behaviors as a result of listening to this talk? no I like to talk with people 
What impact do you think this digital age will have on society in the future ? I thank more people will text more

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 Social Bookmarking CE

  • Do you have a different understanding of Social Bookmarking after reading this article?
    • It help my understand bookmarking more 
  • Do you think social bookmarking is a helpful & beneficial tool?
    • Yes because bookmarking saves article 
  • Did you learn about any new social bookmarking sites that you would like to start using?
    • no

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Reflect on your recent experience with bookmarking within Chrome & Symbaloo.  Compare & contrast these two bookmarking options.  Which one did you like the best? Is there a time when one would be better than the other?

I like chrome better than symbaloo because chrome is easier to get to than symbaloo. 
Symbaloo you can find wed different wed sits.   

1/23/2017 alphabetical advice

Be nice
Stay true to your self

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/24 Introduction to Social Bookmarking

What is Social Bookmarking? save your favorite websites.
What is the purpose of Social Bookmarking? to share your favorite links.
What Social Bookmarking tools do you use? I don't use any.
How did you learn about or choose to use the social bookmarking tools that you use? I don't use any.
What Social Bookmarking tools would you suggest to others? Bookmax- you can store your bookmarks and access them from anywhere

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 17, 2017/Prezi Reflection

Power point is easier
prezi make better presentation
I like prezi better because it's more creative, powerpoint has less options
Next time I would choose to use prezi because it is more creative

Finished prezi