Monday, May 15, 2017

3/21 Spring Break

What did you do over spring break? I went to Florida.
Where did you go? I went water coolers Florida.
What activities did you do? iI went to the beach and rode bicks
Who did you go with? My famliy And Eicks famliy
Include 2 pictures

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Final Exam Blog Post

How To Bag Groceries

Did you enjoy this assignment? Yes
Why? So I can teach people to bag groceries
How does it compare to Google Drive and Google Slides? I don't know
Would you use PPT Mix again? Yes

Friday, May 5, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

  • Reflect on your experience with Weebly or Wix.  Did you enjoy building your own website?  yes
  • Did you find it easy, hard, etc... easy 
  •  Now that you know these free/low cost options exist, would you use a tool like this to create a website in the future? yes
  • After reviewing the websites of 10 of your classmates, reflect on your TWO favorites 
    • Why did you like these websites so much? 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4/25 Website Selection

Have you ever created a website before? no
 If yes, what technology did you use?     HTML, Weebly, Wix, etc.?  Tell me about your experience....

 Tell me which one (weebly or wix) you've selected and why? wix because wix is easier  to yous 

 select an activity/club/sport that you are involved with (share with me which one you have chosen & why you selected this activity/club/sport) basball

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

current event 5

Title of the article:

Meet Levi's Stadium, the Most High-Tech Sports Venue Yet

Where you found it: google
What the article is about: the 49ers new high tech stadium
How does it relate to emerging technologies:it is using new smart technology in the stadium
One interesting fact: it is connected to an app that can guide you to the nearest bathroom with the shortest line, you can order food and drink to your seat, and it can show replays