Monday, May 15, 2017

3/21 Spring Break

What did you do over spring break? I went to Florida.
Where did you go? I went water coolers Florida.
What activities did you do? iI went to the beach and rode bicks
Who did you go with? My famliy And Eicks famliy
Include 2 pictures

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Final Exam Blog Post

How To Bag Groceries

Did you enjoy this assignment? Yes
Why? So I can teach people to bag groceries
How does it compare to Google Drive and Google Slides? I don't know
Would you use PPT Mix again? Yes

Friday, May 5, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

  • Reflect on your experience with Weebly or Wix.  Did you enjoy building your own website?  yes
  • Did you find it easy, hard, etc... easy 
  •  Now that you know these free/low cost options exist, would you use a tool like this to create a website in the future? yes
  • After reviewing the websites of 10 of your classmates, reflect on your TWO favorites 
    • Why did you like these websites so much?