Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31 Current Event

Current Event

Blog Post 3/31: NCAA Reflection

What have you learned by competing in our class NCAA basketball competition? I learned that you can make make a basketball bracket.   

Had you filled out a bracket prior to this class? no

Did you follow any of the games during the tournament out of curiosity? yes

What have you learned about Google Docs & Sheets by creating your bracket & spreadsheet with them?  I learned that you can make a basketball bracket on google docs.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


What is the best movie(s) you have seen in the past year? FAST AND FURIOUS

 Is there a TV Series that I just HAVE to see? PAWN STARS 

What is the genre of the movie(s) you are recommending (I don't like horror...). action 

 Convince me that your movie(s) and/or TV Series suggestions are ones that I should see immediately, but don't give the plot away.  You should watch FAST AND FURIOUS because FAST AND FURIOUS has good action.
   You should watch pawn stars because PAWN STARS has good history..  

3/30 bracket

Luke's bracket

Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17 current event 3

1.       What is the article about? The Score app allows you to watch live sporting events, you can check the score on the phone, and editorial coverage of the game
2.       Title of the article: The Score Releases the Most Comprehensive eSports App on the Market
3.       How does it relate to emerging technologies? App on your phone
4.       One interesting fact: it’s a new app


Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

Name of person: Brendan
What is their infographic about: McDonald and Starbucks
1 thing you learned from looking at their infographic: I did not know there is a McDonald in africa
Did you like making an infographic? yes
